Atheist Adventurer Denies Existence of God Who Gave his Friends Cool Powers

Local, Oct 6, 2022.

A local adventurer who denies the existence of deities of the realm recently had to make statements concerning his fellow party member. "Yes, I travel with a cleric, but his magical power granted by a god does not mean gods exist."

The cleric had the following to say on the matter "I literally talked to him last week. I told him about it and he went on some rant about belief alone somehow creating the magic power." The god also commented on the matter saying, "I regularly make scheduled appearances he could very easily meet me in person."

It's a surprisingly common trait among adventurers to deny the existence of gods, and of everyone to just kind of ignore how important that knowledge is. The atheist had the following to say, "Just because there are really powerful beings doesn't mean they are gods." Despite the fact god refers to specifically those powerful beings.